PSA Bag Packing Fundraiser


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Our PSA Bag Pack Fund Raiser was held on Saturday in our local Tesco store.

We managed to raise an amazing £657.90!

Thanks to June at Tesco for helping to organise the event, and also all the pupils, parents and staff who gave their time to help. Thanks also to all the local shoppers who donated so generously.

Each pupil who helped has earned 10 house points for their efforts!

Well done to all!

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World Book Day

World Book Day

Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day, and we are recognising and celebrating the importance of reading in a number of ways around the school.
All pupils are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character on Thursday, and to bring along with them their favourite book.

Each class will have a special reading time within the day where they will be able to share their favourites with their class mates.

All pupils will be given their £1 World Book day token which can be used in local book shops but also at our School Book Fair which will be held week beginning 14th March, more details to follow.
The Nursery and P1 classes will have a ‘Gifting Event’ where they will be given their individual Book Bug packs to take home and share. They will also have a Storyteller visiting their classes to promote their love of stories.
We are having an additional P1 parents drop in on the day, further details have been provided in an individual letter for P1 parents.



Healthy Snacks Week

Healthy EatingIn an effort to promote healthy eating and to support families in improving pupil’s food choices, Broughton Primary are having a Healthy Snacks Week from Monday 29th February to Friday 4th March!

A copy of the letter to parents/carers is below-

Healthy Snack Week letter

Also, here is a link to the Child Smile website which provides ideas for healthy snacks.

Child Smile website

We look forward to seeing all these delicious healthy snacks next week!

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PSA Bag Packing Fund Raiser

bag pack

This Saturday 27th February,  our PSA are holding a bag packing fund raising event in our local Tesco store at Canonmills. This will take place from 10am to 4pm!

Several pupils, parents and staff have volunteered to help out at various points of the day, so come along and have your shopping packed by our helpful volunteers!

Hopefully we’ll raise a lot of money for the good of the school!


Latest News and Reminders


Here is some of the latest school information you may find interesting!

  • The winners of our ‘New Website Quiz’ were drawn this week. The lucky winners of a £10 book voucher were Oliver from P1a, Aurora from P4a, and Tanisha from P6/7! Congratulations to our 3 lucky winners, but a huge well done to everyone who took part- each of you have earned 3 house points just for entering!


  • Did you know that you can ‘Follow’ this website? You may see a small rectangle with the word ‘Follow’ appear in the bottom right hand corner of the website while you are viewing it. If you click on this, and decide to ‘follow’ us, you will receive an email every time there is a new post, so you won’t miss out on any of our updates!

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  • Car Park Safety– we’d like to take this opportunity to remind all parents, in the interests of safety for all, that our car park is for staff use only. It is not to be used by parents when dropping off or collecting pupils from school. Thank you.


The Giving Machine


Broughton Primary have signed up to the Giving Machine. This is an organisation that allows schools and charities to get commission every time people shop online. To sign up to The Giving Machine simply visit the link below. Our PSA have also created a handy step by step guide to using the Giving Machine, which can be found in the ‘Parent Bodies’ section of our website.

Please sign up! It won’t cost you anything, and is a very quick way to help provide funds for the school.


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The Giving Machine

Internet Safety

Tuesday 9th February is Internet Safety Day.

At our assemblies this week, the children were developing their understanding of digital safety, and next week your child may be developing this further in class.

Below is a link to the Edinburgh Digital Learning Team’s website, where they have a range of resources, tips and advice for parents regarding internet safety.

Internet Safety Advice for Parents

We hope you find it useful!

Internet Safety


Charity Donation

The Pupil Council have counted all the money that was raised from the collections we had during both of our Christmas Celebrations at Broughton St. Mary’s church last term.

The final total raised was £207.48!

The Pupil Council have decided they would like to donate this to Cancer Research UK.

Huge thanks to everyone who gave towards the collections, and thanks also to our Pupil Council for counting it all up and choosing such a worthy cause!

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Recent Excursions


Field Trip

Several classes have been on a range of different excursions over the past few weeks.

  • Both our P5 classes took advantage of our PSA’s Cultural and Extra Curricular Fund to organise a successful trip to Alien Rock climbing centre.
  • P6 and P6/7 visited Arthur’s Seat to learn of it’s geology as part of their topic on natural disasters.
  • P7 visited the Risk Factory, where they got to experience a range of risky scenarios and consider how they could make safe choices in these situations.

For photos and further information about these trips, please visit the individual class pages in our ‘Class Information’ section.
