P7 Football


We have had a great season to date and ended on a high with an amazing 9-5 goal-tastic win over Flora Stevenson’s at the weekend.

With the brilliant support of Don, our parent coach, our P7s have trained hard every week since late August. The move to Drummond’s flood lit Astro turf once the dark nights arrived was funded by the PSA and we are grateful for the support.

The P7 squad work hard, have fun and support each other as a team.  We have a great little community, with parents cheering the team on each Saturday morning and the children are a credit to the school.

As we head into winter, we’ll be having a break now until February, but are looking forward to getting our boots and blue strips on come Spring to represent Broughton Primary again.

We really hope some of our P4s, P5s and P6s are interested so that we can continue into 2019 with more Broughton Primary football teams.  It relies on parent/carer helpers, but Don can help explain what is involved. Get in touch if you want to know more via the School Office.

Well done team!


thumbs up

Children in Need 2018


Children in Need was last Friday, and Broughton once again took part in this worthwhile cause. Our Pupil Council decided that we would have a Dress Down Day for a donation to Children in Need. The theme was ‘Wear something spotty or yellow’ and there were lots of fantastic outfits on display! The Pupil Council also wanted us to mark the occasion by having a dance-a -thon. So each class held a dance movement break at 11am on Friday- lots of fun!

As a school we raised £235.85! Thanks to all who donated! Here are some pictures of some of our spotty, yellow pupils in action during their dance-a-thons!



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Pudsey thank you

Better Relationships for Learning and Behaviour


Please see below information for our new Better Relationships for Better Learning and Behaviour Guidelines. These will replace our Positive Behaviour Policy, which has recently been reviewed with staff and children.

The new Guidelines will be implemented from Monday 12th November. In order to ensure a consistent and shared whole school approach the following 3 key values will be adopted by our whole school community.

  1. Everyone should expect to be safe in school. People should behave safely towards you and you must behave safely towards other people.
  2. Everyone should behave with respect in school. People should talk to you with respect and you must show respect to other people.
  3. Everyone has the right to learn in school. Other people’s behaviour should not stop your learning and teaching and your behaviour should not stop learning and teaching for others.

Our new Guidelines will also consist of our Anti-bullying, Equality and Diversity Guidelines. We look forward to your support and that you continue to encourage your child to be a positive member of the school community.

We plan to send out a Parent/Carer questionnaire later in the session where you will be able to provide us with feedback on the new Guidelines.

Better Relationships letter

Better Relationships Guidelines 2018

Anti-Bullying, Equality and Diversity Guidelines 2018

Behaviour Flowchart Broughton

Playground Behaviour Flowchart Broughton


PSA Christmas Cafe 2018

Christmas cafe

Our PSA Christmas Cafe will be held on Friday 7th December in our Gym Hall, from 11.30am until 1.30pm.

Here are some of the stalls and activities on offer at the Cafe-

  • Home Baking
  • Soup and Hot Dogs
  • Festive Stalls
  • Pupil Raffle
  • Wine Lottery
  • Sparkle Jars

and more!

Please see below for a flyer about the event and a separate flyer with advice about how to make a Sparkle Jar. Also attached is information about ways you can help. If you are available to help out in any way, please contact the PSA at broughtonparents@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you there!

PSA Christmas Cafe Flyer

Sparkle Jar Instructions

Christmas Café- Ways You Can Help

Thank You