This Week’s Awards and Achievements!

Here are our recent awards and achievements!

Star Awards

P3aWilliam Watson
P3bRebecca Turpie
P4aKornelia Szczurak
P4bAaron McLaughlin
P5aYunus Karaallal
P5bEllis Clark
P6Lily Giraldas
P6/7Danny Urquhart
P7Cooper Napier and Luke Evans
ESB1Maxi Loureiro
ESB2Archie Anderson

Big Book of Achievement

Charlie McColgan (P3a) earned his yellow stripe belt at Tae Kwan Do during the holidays, after doing 7 hours of TKD over 2 days! Phew! Well done Charlie!

Chloe Craig and Summer Jones (P4a) took part in a Dance competition with their dance team in Glasgow. They achieved second place! Well done to you both!

Toby Sewell (P3a) earned a medal for ‘Player of the Tournament’ at Edinburgh Accies Rugby Festival! Well done Toby!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

This Week’s Awards and Achievements!

Here are our recent awards and achievements!

Star Awards

P1aKarolina Ortega Jureckova
P1bCharlotte Slowey and Nina Welsh
P2aAyeesha Palfreyman
P2bLucas Beattie
P3aMaya Kaur
P3bAssata Hamici Ajari
P4aWhole Class award!
P4bWhole Class award!
P5aRuby Tennant
P5bSarah Prince Thomas
P6Ian Rahman
P6/7Jamie Mackay
P7Obrie Keswa and Hope Urquhart
ESB1Cameron Barnes
ESB2Riley Fyfe

Big Book of Achievement

Adam Wawock (P3b) earned a Silver certificate from the Studyladder website for earning 1250 points! Well done!

House Points

McDonald- 430 points

Trinity- 402 points

Pilrig- 376 points

Drummond- 355 points

Well done McDonald!

Have a lovely October break everyone! We look forward to seeing you all back safe and sound on Tuesday 24th October!

FAB Pre-loved uniforms and costume event

Thank you for donating your pre-loved clothing items, those helping out on the day and reusing/repurposing these uniforms and Halloween costumes.  We raised £164.76 at this event!  Well done!

The funds will be used to subsidise class trips, keeping event ticket prices to minimum and playground improvement.  Do you like the benches that have been fixed and our new noticeboards?  Attend our meetings to find out more about how the money is being spent.

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Our next event is the Halloween disco on 27th October.  Hope to see you there and wishing you all a lovely October break!

Hopetoun Crescent Garden Storytelling

Please see a message below from the Friends of Hopetoun Crescent  Garden Committee.

Hopetoun Crescent Garden is having its yearly storytelling session during the Autumn break as part of the Storytelling Festival.

This will be Thursday 19th October at 11am and free to all!

The session is called “Once upon an Autumntime” and told by the well known  author/ writer and professional storyteller Tim Porteus. 

We are intending  to have tea and coffee, water and soft drinks  available in the gazebo along with some cakes made with the James Grieve and Cutler Grieve apples that we have grown in  the garden this year.

We will have tarpaulins available for the children to sit on and some chairs but it is suggested you might like to bring your own foldable chairs. 

 Look forward to seeing you once again. and keep your fingers crossed for good weather.

 Kind regards

 Friends of Hopetoun Crescent  Garden Committee. 

Awards and Achievements!

Here are our recent awards and achievements!

Star Awards

P1aDonald Matheson
P1bAngus Nasmyth
P2aYousuf Afzal
P2bKhubaib Zargar
P3aMisha Kudrych
P3bMaddie Ellis
P4aBrandon Singh
P4bDylan Singh
P5aDalton Slater
P5bTess Lempitskaya
P6Adam Winterstein
P6/7Robert Wawock
P7Luke Evans
ESB1Malik Moutaouakil
ESB2Krystian Sawa

House Points

McDonald- 592 points

Drummond- 578 points

Trinity- 550 points

Pilrig- 505 points

Well done McDonald!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

FAB International Cafe Update!

FAB International Lunchtime Cafe update

29th September saw our first FAB event of the year – the International Lunchtime cafe.  Thank you for your support and helping raise £279!!  It was always a fun and sociable event.  We had food donations featuring cuisine from various countries – Egypt, Malaysia, Greek, Poland, Italy, Bosnia and France to name a few…

The P6’s Leek and potato soup was also one of the popular dishes of the day!  P6 planted these potatoes in our playground 2 years ago when they were in P4, harvested them last year in P5, and some of them made the soup this year, as part of our FAB #playgroundToCafe project.

Congratulations to our recipe poster and guess the weight of the pumpkin winners too.  You’re all brilliant!  Winners will be announced at the school assembly.

Our next event is the preloved uniforms and costume event on Friday 6th October, followed by the Parent Council online meeting on Wednesday 11th October.  See you all then!

Here are some photos of the cafe event!

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