Children in Need 2018


This year’s Children in Need event takes place on Friday 16th November, and Broughton Primary will again be supporting this very worthwhile event.
Our Pupil Council has decided how we will help support this event- we will have a dress down day on Friday 16th November, with a contribution of £1 each for that privilege.
The Pupil Council has come up with two themes to choose from- ‘Wear something Yellow’ or ‘Wear something spotty.
Our Pupil Council would also like to get everyone up and active for this event, so have requested that each class has a dance for a movement break at some point that day too! Look out for some pictures of this on our website!
We look forward to seeing some interesting outfits on the 16th!

Pudsey thank you

PSA Halloween Disco

Halloween pic

Last night we held our two PSA Hallowe’en Discos in our Gym Hall.

Both discos were very well attended, and there were lots of brilliant and scary fancy dress outfits on display. Everyone seemed to have a fun night!

Our PSA have raised the amazing total of £981.30 over the two discos! That’s a great total to go towards PSA donations to school improvements.

The PSA would like to send huge thanks to the staff and parent volunteers who supported and helped with the organisation, setting up, selling tuck, or tidying of the event.

The PSA would also like to thank all the families who attended the discos.

We’d like to say a massive thank you to the PSA for organising and running the event so well!

Here are some photos of the night-

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Pupil Voice at Broughton

Pupil Voice

There are many different ways pupil voice is used in our classrooms on a daily basis here at Broughton. For example, asking the pupils to form their own key questions during interdisciplinary topic work, or suggesting activities for home learning tasks, to name two.

There are also opportunities for influence in the wider picture of the school, through our Pupil Council and our school House Captains and Vice Captains. The members of these groups were selected through an election process, by their fellow pupils.

These two groups have a range of roles and responsibilities in school, and will meet regularly to discuss their ideas to support the school, its pupils, staff and parents.

Pupil Council

Here are the members of this year’s Pupil Council. Look out for their distinctive red wristband!

P2a  Dana Khered
P2b  Amelie Fialova
P3a  Cole Weatherly
P3b  Finlay Bartholomew
P4a  Martyna Kabala
P4b  Agastya Tembay
LC2  Samuel Knox
P5a  Afnan Chowdhury
P5b  Aava Braithwaite
P6a  Paloma Luis Navarro
P6b  Muhammad Barry
P7a  Roisin Bagnall-McCrink
P7b  Jedrzej Przychodzki

Already the Pupil Council have been working on an exciting project with Miss Gordon, our EAL teacher, and have decided upon arrangements for this year’s Children in Need event. More details on those to follow soon! Each member has their own Pupil Council jottter, to record any of theirs, or their peers suggestions to discuss at meetings. We’re sure they will have lots of ideas for school improvements this year!

House captain badges

The House Captains are selected from our P7 classes, while Vice-Captains are from P6. They can be identified by their shiny badges!

Here are the representatives for each house-

McDonald House Captains

Armaan Latif and Daisy Drummond

Vice- Captains

Aiden McLear and Ruby Foster

Pilrig House Captains

Aban Baig and Ines Ibrahim


Dylan Urquhart and Nadia Fydrych

Trinity House Captains

Innes Penman and Mhairi Noronha


Liam Ronald and Hendeke Elias

Drummond House Captains

Jalil Neequaye and Zuzanna Mamos


Omar Karaallal and Tilda Rawson

Already the House Captains have been given a role in supporting others in school with lining up, as well as collecting, counting and announcing weekly house points. Both sets of captains support their peers in assembly, and will be launching a school wide competition to revamp our House Shields soon! They are all motivated to represent their houses as well as they can, and encourage their fellow house members to earn as many house points as they can to try and win the coveted House Trophy at the end of the session!

Will Drummond retain their trophy this year? Time will tell…

Details of other pupil groups will be shared on the website as they are formed. Keep an eye out for that!



Open Day and Registration Week


Is your child eligible to start P1 in August 2019?

We would like to invite you to our Broughton Primary School Open Morning!

Wednesday 31st October 2018

Session One: 9.15 – 10.15am
Session Two: 11.00 – 11.45am

Join us to find out more about the school and get a tour with our upper school pupils.

Here is a link to our information poster on this event, including information about the registration week in November.

Open Day Poster

We look forward to seeing you then!


PSA Halloween Disco

Halloween pic

Our PSA Halloween Disco is coming up at the end of the month!

There are two discos, both taking place in our gym hall, on Thursday 25th October.

P1-3 Disco is from 6pm-7pm

P4-7 Disco is from 7.15pm-8.30pm

We’ll only be selling tickets in advance, so return the tear off slip from the attached flyer and return it to school with payment to get tickets.

2018 Halloween Disco Flyer

Only unsold tickets will be available on the night on a first come, first served basis.

Please remember that all children must be accompanied by an adult.

We look forward to seeing you there, in your spookiest fancy dress!


Parent/Carer Information and GDPR

Broughton BadgePSA

Please visit the ‘Parent Bodies’ section of our website, as it has been updated with all the latest relevant information about our Parent Council and PSA, including information about PSA Planning Meetings and dates for upcoming events this session.

Further to this, below is a letter explaining how we collect and manage data about our pupils and families here at Broughton, in line with GDPR guidance.

GDPR Letter for Parents


Lagganlia Slideshows


As promised, we present to you more comprehensive slideshows of our amazing Lagganlia experience. There’s a few videos to watch too! We hope you enjoy seeing these.

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PSA Lunchtime Cafe


Our PSA held the first lunchtime cafe of this session on Friday in our Dining Room.

Huge thanks to all the organisers for arranging the event, and the parent and pupil volunteers who helped run it.

Thanks also to anyone who donated any savouries or home baking, your support was very much appreciated!

The cafe made a total of £499 towards school improvements, a great amount!

Well done again everyone.

thumbs up


Road Safety


This year, all primary 5 pupils will be part of the Road Safety Community Group. Road Safety awareness is an important topic for pupils to learn about and Primary 5 are looking forward to sharing their ideas with the whole school throughout the year.

Recently, two lucky Primary 5 pupils attended City Chambers to mark the launch of Road Safety across Edinburgh for the 2018-2019 school year. Bea and Holly will be our Junior Road Safety Officers, and both had a fantastic time and even managed to get some complimentary lunch for all of their hard work. Most importantly, both returned to Broughton enthused by what they had seen and heard on the day. They recorded all of their ideas and will be sharing these with the P5 community group at our next meeting. Well done to our JRSOs on the day who were fantastic and very enthusiastic throughout!

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