Active Travel to School

The 24th -29th September is Sustrans Cycle to School Week. It would be great to see as many kids and families as possible travelling to school in an active way e.g cycling, scooting, skating etc.

Active Travelling to School

We encourage children to travel to and from school in an active way whenever possible. This could include walking, using a scooter or cycling. Broughton Primary School is surrounded by different pedestrian/ cycle friendly routes. A map showing these routes can be found on the Edinburgh Quiet Routes page, follow the link below:

We have a variety of bike and scooter racks at school where children and adults are welcome to secure their bike/scooter for the day.


Children will have the opportunity to develop their cycling skills when they take part in Bikeability in school. They will learn to identify safety features on a bike and some basic repair skills, along with cycling knowledge and practice for safe cycling in the community.